In 1957, a young boy named Jason (Ari Lehman) drowns in a lake near Camp Crystal Lake. The next year, two counselors are murdered. It's now 1979 and the legend of Pamela Voorhees (Betsy Palmer) avenging her son is still told around Camp Crystal Lake. Superstitious locals try to warn the camp counselors, Jack (Kevin Bacon), Alice (Adrienne King), Bill (Harry Crosby), Marcie (Jeannine Taylor) and Ned (Mark Nelson) but they pay little heed to the old-timers' warnings. As they're slashed, shot and stabbed, the counselors struggle to stay alive against a merciless opponent. Towards the end, Alice decapitates Pamela, ending her killing spree. Betsy Palmer reluctantly accepted the role of Pamela Voorhees as she did not have the taste for horror and didn't think the film would do well considering its low budget of $550,000. However, she needed money for a new car so she accepted the role and with a box office total of almost $60,000,000, Friday The 13th got her that car! To this day, it is the third highest grossing film of the entire series. This is also the only film in the series to not have a masked killer and the only film with a female killer.

Friday The 13th (1980)

Pamela Voorhees (Betsy Palmer) is dead and Camp Crystal Lake is shut down but a camp next to the infamous place is stalked by an unknown assailant. 5 years after Alice (Adrienne King) beheaded the psycho killer, Pamela Voorhees at Camp Crystal Lake, survivor Alice is still traumatized from the murders. Alice opens her fridge to see Pamela's decapitated head, only to be killed soon after. Upon seeking his revenge, Jason Voorhees (Warrington Gillette) stalks a group of teenagers converging on Camp Crystal Lake for training under the tutelage of head counselor Paul (John Furey). Around the camp fire, Paul tells the story of Jason Voorhees, a boy who drowned at the camp and whose mother murdered a group of counselors in revenge. No one takes the tale seriously until a very alive and real Jason Voorhees begins gruesomely eliminating people. Towards the end of the film, Ginny (Amy Steel) is trapped inside Jason's shack and quickly comes up with a plan to survive. She removes Pamela's sweater from the shrine Jason created and puts it on. As Jason breaks down the door, Ginny impersonates Pamela, instructing Jason to surrender as she swings his machete into his shoulder causing him to fall to the ground. Alice was supposed to be the survivor in this film as she was in the first but Adrienne King's agent requested too much money for a full film so they cut her screen time. Adrienne didn't know that she was to be killed off until the very scene that Alice dies. To make matters worse, there was a prop malfunction where the screwdriver prop did not retract and she was injured upon discovering her role was at an end. This is the only film in the series to have 3 different actors portray Jason. For the first and only time in the series, Jason was played by a woman in the film’s opening shot. Those were costume designer Ellen Lutter’s legs walking through the rain puddles on Alice’s street. Steve Daskawisz was a stuntman that played the masked Jason and Warrington Gillette played the unmasked Jason who strangely had hair in contrary to other films in the series. This film lined the way for the entire series by outlining a personality for the adult Jason and introducing the use of Pamela's legendary sweater to manipulate Jason which has only been done in this movie and in Friday The 13th The Game.

Friday The 13th Part II (1981)

The third entry in the series picks up right after the carnage of the second with homicidal maniac Jason Voorhees (Richard Brooker) stealing clothes off of a local store owner after killing him. Meanwhile, Chris Higgins (Dana Kimmell) and her boyfriend, Rick (Paul Kratka) are hosting a party with a group of their teenage friends at Chris' lake house. Despite their friend Shelly (Lawrence J. Zerner) knocking over motorcycles belonging to a local biker gang and getting Rick's windshield smashed, they enjoy an exciting weekend together... including Jason slashing teens and bikers alike. Throughout the movie, Shelly continuously pranks everyone with masks, props and fake blood, only to have his throat and his hockey mask stolen by Jason. Meanwhile, the stoner couple, Chuck (David Katims) and Chili (Rachel Howard) split up as Chuck goes to fix the fuse box that Jason smashes him into thus electrocuting him to death. Chili sees Shelly with his throat slit but doesn't take him seriously until its too late and she is impaled with a hot fire poker. Towards the end of the film, Chris swings Jason's own ax into his forehead, creating the classic crack in the left side of the mask that was carried down the line for the next 7 movies! This ax kill was so iconic that it was included in Friday The 13th The Game as one of the two ways to defeat Jason. Richard Brooker was the first Jason actor to wear a hockey mask and sadly, the first to pass away in 2013. He will forever live on through this film and the inspiration he brought into the films to follow. This film is known for its alternate ending where Jason decapitates Chris after she hits him with the axe. This is also the only installment in the series to not mention Jason's name or story throughout the entire movie.

Friday The 13th Part IV:

The Final Chapter (1984)

After being mortally wounded and taken to the morgue, murderer, Jason Voorhees (Ted White) is believed to be dead and is taken to a hospital for an autopsy. However, he is alive and kills a doctor and a nurse and is loose once more. He returns to Camp Crystal Lake where the young Tommy Jarvis lives with his mother, Tracy (Joan Freeman) and his older sister, Trish (Kimberly Beck). A group of teenagers are staying at a summerhouse next door to the Jarvis House. Rob Dier (Erich Anderson) claims to be hunting a bear but Tommy doesn't buy it. Rob discovers Tommy's fascination with horror movie masks while he is visiting the Jarvis house. Jason begins killing teenagers then moves on to Tommy's mother. Rob eventually admits to Trish that his sister was murdered two days ago (in Part 2) and he is there to avenge her by killing Jason. Tom Savini, who did the special effects for the first Friday The 13th film, was hired back to end the series with numerous gruesome kills and a young Tommy Jarvis butchering Jason with Rob Dier's machete which was so incredibly brutal that Savini decided to include it in Friday The 13th The Game as one of the two ways to defeat Jason. Ted White is the oldest actor to play Jason, yet somehow, he was a very quick and agile Jason. This was the first movie in the Tommy Jarvis trilogy and some would say the best for Corey Feldman's relatable Tommy Jarvis and Ted White's intriguing portrayal of Jason Voorhees.

Friday The 13th Part V:

A New Beginning (1985)

Corey Feldman reprised his role as Tommy Jarvis but only for a dream sequence in the beginning. It's now 5 years after Tommy Jarvis (John Shepherd) murdered hockey-masked serial killer Jason Voorhees (Tom Morga), he resides in a mental hospital and struggles with the trauma of his experience. Tommy has struggled finding a hospital  until he meets a young boy known as Reckless Reggie. Tommy  One of the patients is murdered by another patient and another killer (Tom Morga) turns up shortly after, as the body count grows, Tommy begins to question his sanity and wonder if Jason has risen from the dead. He continuously has visions of Jason and confuses his visions with the reality of having a killer in the hospital. He then clears up this confusion by analyzing the killer's mask towards the end of the movie, he notices that his hockey mask has two blue stripes on either side and he remembers that Jason had a red triangle on the forehead of his mask so he realized that the killer was an impostor as he then saves Reggie by chopping a machete at the killer's arm, knocking him out of a barn window onto tractor spikes that impaled his entire body, knocking off his mask and revealing him as Roy Burns (Dick Wieand), a paramedic and father to the murdered patient. John Shepherd actually spent several months volunteering at a state mental hospital to prepare for his role as Tommy and Tom Morga had pounds of real worms dumped on his head for his scene as Jason. This is the only film to alter Jason's iconic breathing noise from "Ki, ki, ki... Ma, ma, ma..." to "Ki, ki, ki... Ta, ta, ta..." to imply Jason was back to kill Tommy. It is also the only film be set inside of a mental hospital and not include the real Jason Voorhees. This was due to the fact that this movie was originally supposed to be the transition from Jason's story to the story of how Tommy's trauma and love for masks transformed him from the hero to the killer but fans love Jason too much to let that happen!

Friday The 13th Part VI:

Jason Lives! (1986)

Tommy Jarvis (Thom Matthews) is now out of the mental hospital for good and off to face Jason Voorhees (CJ Graham) once again. Tommy and his friend, Allen Hawes (Ron Palillo) go to the cemetery to find Jason's grave and cremate him but once they dig him up, Tommy grabs a broken fence post and stabs Jason with it repeatedly. Suddenly, lightning strikes the post, reanimating Jason's lifeless body. Tommy escapes to the police station while his friend is killed. He explains to the sheriff that Jason is alive and he's killing again but Sheriff Garris (David Kagen), knows that Tommy Jarvis just got out of the mental hospital and he doesn't want to have the tragedies of Crystal Lake associated with the newly named town of Forrest Green so he ignores Tommy's warning and kicks him out of the police station. Tommy then goes to the reopened Camp Crystal Lake, now known as Camp Forrest Green, to warn the counselors including the sheriff's daughter, Megan Garris (Jennifer Cooke). Jason continuously murders on the way to the camp. Towards the end of the movie, Jason and Tommy have their legendary final showdown that ends with Jason being chained to a rock at the bottom of Crystal Lake and Megan Garris having to perform CPR on Tommy in order to save his life. CJ Graham was actually a part of a hypnotist show where the audience would be hypnotized into believing Jason Voorhees is real then CJ Graham would come out and scare the Hell out of them! The casting crew saw one show and snatched him up right away. CJ Ghraham later returned to the Voorhees family as Jason's father, Elias Voorhees in the intriguing fan film, Vengeance. Thom Matthews portrayed the first version of Tommy Jarvis as a definite hero instead of the mentally disturbed anti-hero that he was portrayed as in the previous films. This is the only movie in the series that Thom Matthews plays Tommy Jarvis, however, he returned as Tommy Jarvis in Friday The 13th The Game and the beloved fan film, Never Hike Alone and its sequel, Never Hike In The Snow. This is the last of the Tommy Jarvis trilogy and arguably the best movie of the entire series for its unique kills, strong story line and amazing ending!

Friday The 13th Part VII:

The New Blood (1988)

Years after the drowning death of her father, Tina Shepard (Lar Park Lincoln) returns to the site of his demise, Crystal Lake. Her underdeveloped psychic powers were responsible for ending his life, leaving Tina riddled with guilt as an adult. While Dr. Crews (Terry Kiser) tries to manipulate her abilities for his own personal gain, both of them are in for a surprise when Tina accidentally uses her powers to free the serial killer Jason Voorhees (Kane Hodder) from his underwater grave. Dripping wet and steaming mad, with a chain around his neck and a machete in his hand, Jason is back for revenge but turns out to have found his match when he is repeatedly attacked by Tina as he continuously tries to kill her. Jason slaughters one after another as he desperately tries to counter attack Tina's telekinetic abilities. In the end, Tina uses her powers to summon the spirit of her dead father to drag Jason back into the lake by the chain around his neck. Kane Hodder actually had a ceiling fall on his head and was set on fire for this role. This is the first film that he plays Jason and still to this day, he is the only actor to play Jason more than once, having played him in the 3 following movies.

Friday The 13th Part VIII:

Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)

Mass murderer Jason Voorhees (Kane Hodder) is resurrected from the bottom of Crystal Lake. After he kills a passing boat's occupants, he stows away on a cruise ship filled with a high-school graduating class bound for New York City. Biology teacher, Charles McCulloch (Peter Mark Richman) is on board with his niece, Rennie (Jensen Daggett), who has visions of Jason drowning as a child. They escape his bloody shipboard rampage but when Rennie and Charles reach Manhattan, Jason is close by. Jason continues to terrify and murder the citizens of New York, only to end up melted with toxic waste and turned into a child again. Ken Kirzinger was originally cast as Jason Voorhees for this installment but Kane Hodder did so well in the last Friday The 13th movie that he was granted his request to reprise his role as Jason. However, this did not mean an end for Ken Kirzinger's Friday The 13th career, in fact, this was only the beginning. In this movie, he played a cook and also filled in for Kane Hodder as Jason for two scenes. He would later replace Kane Hodder as Jason in Freddy Vs. Jason. Most of this film was shot in Vancouver, prompting the cast and crew to dub this installment: Jason Takes Vancouver. in one of the most memorable scenes in this movie where Jason vomits water, Kane Hodder was actually vomiting water in real life, this is just one of the many talents he has picked up as a stuntman. This is the first movie in the series to have a returning actor play Jason and the first in the series that took place outside of Crystal Lake/Forrest Green.

Jason Goes To Hell:

The Final Friday (1993)

After a team of FBI agents find Jason Voorhees (Kane Hodder) and riddle him with bullets then explode his body with a rocket launcher, his scattered remains are sent to the morgue. His heart is still intact and manipulates the coroner (Richard Gant) to consume the heart, thus, taking over his body. After brutally dispatching a couple of FBI agents, he hops body to body, possessing many people throughout the film. He ends up heading back to his old stomping grounds: Crystal Lake. Jason commences another teen massacre while a bounty hunter, Steven Williams (John D. LeMay), discovers the only way to kill him: a magical dagger that will send him to Hell. Jason ends up possessing his half sister, Diana Kimble (Erin Gray) and transforms her body back into his own. He then goes to kill Steven and the others. Creighton Duke (Steven Williams) handcuffs himself to Jason, sacrificing himself to give the others more time as Jason bear hugs him to death. Steven then tackles Jason, sending them both flying out of a window. Diana's daughter, Jessica Kimble (Kari Keegan), retrieves the dagger. Steven then engages in hand to hand combat with Jason. Just as Jason moves in for the kill, Jessica stabs him in the chest, releasing the tortured souls that Jason has accumulated through his entire killing spree throughout the entire series. Numerous demonic hands burst out of the ground and pull Jason into the depths of Hell. The last thing we see is Freddy Kruger's iconic glove reaching up from the ground and pulling Jason's hockey mask into Hell. Not many people know this but Kane Hodder plays three roles in this movie: Jason, a security guard in the hospital and he even donned Freddy's legendary glove. This film also has the highest kill count and the first and only human possessions in the entire series.

Jason X (2001)

The year is 2455. Once the shimmering blue jewel of the galaxy, what is now known as "Old Earth" is now a contaminated planet abandoned for centuries. However, some humans have returned to the deadly place for research of the ancient rusting artifacts of the bygone civilizations that caused this environmental disaster. They end up discovering one living organism on the planet and realize it's a human being! Amazed that there is a living, frozen human on Old Earth, they take him aboard they spaceship: the Grendel. They reanimate Jason Voorhees (Kane Hodder) once again and he goes on another killing spree where he confronted by a cyborg that blows off his right arm, left leg and the right half of his torso, he then crawls into a healing chamber where he is upgraded into a literal killing machine. He has increased strength and mobility with his new metal arm and leg. There's plenty of new age weapons introduced throughout this installment. Rowan (Lexa Doig) and Kay-Em (Lisa Ryder) are the only ones spared as Sgt. Brodski (Peter Mensah) sacrifices himself by riding on Jason's back into Earths 2's atmosphere. In the end, Jason's metal hockey mask is seen in an Earth 2 lake. This is the last movie where Kane Hodder played Jason and the only movie in the series to be set so far into the future and in space.

Freddy Vs. Jason (2003)

The face-off that fans waited 10 years to see was almost everything audiences could have hoped for. Freddy Krueger (Robert Englund), the King of Nightmares, has lost much of his power since citizens of his town have become less afraid of him. He soon finds the late Jason Voorhees (Ken Kirzinger), and disguises himself as Jason's mother, Pamela Voorhees (Paula Shaw) then resurrects him and instructs him to orchestrate a new killing spree on Elm Street in Springwood. However, when Jason won't stop chopping up Freddy's intended victims, the two legends start to battle each other in the dream world where Freddy nearly kills Jason with a nightmare where he is drowning as a child. Meanwhile, the people of Springwood use a van to transport Jason's sleeping body to Camp Forrest Green in order to help Jason kill Freddy. Lori enters the dream world to stop Freddy from drowning Jason. Upon awaking, Jason crashes the van and attacks them while setting a cabin on fire. After being slightly burnt by this fire, Lori pulls Freddy out of the dream world and the two notorious serial killers continuously inflict devastating injuries on each other. At this point, Jason has already lost four fingers and both of his eyes. As fire starts to spread, Jason rips off Freddy's arm with the glove on it and Freddy stabs Jason's heart with the machete. The fire causes an explosion which sends both of them flying into the lake. Freddy comes back and attempts to kill Lori (Monica Keena) with Jason's machete but his chest is impaled with his own arm when Jason leaps out of the lake. This allows Lori to grab the machete and decapitate Freddy as Jason falls, lifeless, into the lake. Lori tosses the machete in the lake and leaves Camp Forrest Green. The next day, a victorious Jason emerges from the water, holding his machete in one hand and Freddy's severed head in the other. Freddy then winks as Jason exits the lake. This was the last movie that Robert Englund played Freddy Krueger in and the first movie to have a new actor portray Jason since 1988. However, Ken Kirzinger is no stranger to the Friday The 13th series, in Friday The 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan, he was a cook who tried to fight Jason but was quickly killed. He also stood in for Kane Hodder in two scenes of that movie. Technically speaking, he is the only other actor to play Jason more than once, however, he is often only credited as Jason in Freddy Vs. Jason. This is the highest grossing film in the series with a box office total of $114,500,000 on an initial budget of $30,000,000. This movie is the first and so far, the only cinematic crossover between two horror icons to ever exist!

Friday The 13th (2009)

In the beginning, yet again we see Pamela Voorhees (Nana Visitor) decapitated with her own machete and years later, the tale of Jason Voorhees (Derek Mears) is told around the campfire then teens are slaughtered almost directly after. However, something that stands out in this film is that one of Jason's first few victims, Whitney Miller (Amanda Righetti), is kidnapped instead of being slaughtered along with her boyfriend and friends. This is the only movie where we see Jason kidnap someone. This is also the only movie in the series bring back Jason's original burlap sack mask. Against the advice of locals and police, Whitney's brother Clay (Jared Padalecki) scours the eerie woods surrounding Crystal Lake for her but rotting cabins inside an abandoned summer camp are not all that he finds. After receiving his iconic hockey mask, Jason lies in wait for a chance to use his double-sided battle-ax and his classic machete on Clay and the group of college students who have come to the forest to party. Whitney discovers a locket with a picture of Jason's mother. It reveals to her that she bares a resemblance to Jason's mother and that is why Jason decided to kidnap her instead of killing her. Clay helps her escape through Jason's tunnels as the notorious killer chases them out. Whitney impersonates Jason's mother then her and Clay put a chain on Jason's neck, stab him with his own machete and connect the chain to a wood chipper that pulls the chain until his head is ground up and he is dead. As dawn approaches, they dump Jason's body, his mask, and his mother's locket into the lake. Almost momentarily after, Jason breaks through underneath the dock, attacking Whitney making this the only movie of the series to have no true survivors. Despite its criticism, this movie grossed $92,670,000 at the box office on a budget of $19,000,000, becoming the second highest grossing film in the franchise right behind Freddy vs. Jason. With the return of Pamela Voorhees, Jason's original mask, Jason's first kidnapping and plenty of brutal kills with no true survivors, this movie is easily considered one of the best horror remakes of all time!

Friday The 13th Part III (1982)