Through premature birth, Jason Voorhees was born at midnight on Friday, June 13th, 1946. Pamela Sue Voorhees, his mother, was raped by a local stalker who is Jason's true father. Pamela married Elias Voorhees shortly after her rape so her son would have a father but the disembodied voice of her son told her to kill Elias because he was hurting him.
Jason is physically and mentally deformed with many
disabilities. His main deformity is Hydrocephalus, which is the build up and improper flow of fluid to the brain which caused his head to be abnormally large. Although it is unclear what other disabilities he may have, he is said to possess an IQ of 69 which is considered to be an intellectual disability (previously known as mental retardation).
Because of this low IQ, Jason was bullied into attempting he
could prove that he could swim when he very well knew that he had never swam before. He just wanted to prove to the other boys that he was not different. However, Jason was different and his poor judgement caused him to drown in 1957. Jason's mother blamed the irresponsible counselors for her son's death.
In 1958, she killed the two counselors who were having sex while
they were supposed to be watching Jason. These two murders shut the camp down until 1979 when someone tried to reopen the camp. This reopening ended with Pamela slaughtering almost all of the counselors at Camp Crystal Lake.
Believed to have drowned in Crystal Lake at age 11, Jason
somehow survived drowning, only to become a murderous hermit, living off plants, bugs and animals. He grew to be an extremely powerful, tall and monstrous man as opposed to the weak deformed child he started out as.
Jason watched as his mother killed the counselors one by
one. Jason then witnessed Alice Hardy, the only survivor, behead his mother with her own machete.
Two months later, he would locate her home and impale
her temple with an icepick before dragging her lifeless corpse through the woods to the shack he constructed at Camp Crystal Lake. He placed her body next to a shrine that he created for his mother. Pamela's decapitated head would sit in the center of the shrine surrounded by candles, her sweater and her machete.
Every time someone else tried to reopen the camp or wandered around the area, Jason would slash, crush, impale, dismember or decapitate the intruders.
For many years after his supposed drowning, Jason wore a
burlap sack over his head to hide his deformed face. The sack had only one eye-hole because at this time, Jason had very limited visibility in his right eye.
Three years after seeking revenge against Alice Hardy, Jason
made an attempt to turn Chris Higgins into his second victim but she somehow managed to escape his grasp.
Two years later, on Friday, June 13th, 1984, Jason discovered
that Camp Crystal Lake was set to reopen and there were counselors training at the Packanack Lodge, not too far from the camp. He then went there to begin his very first killing spree.
His strategy for killing large groups of people would be to stalk
his victims then wait for them to separate. Once the person was isolated or in a smaller group, he would confront them with nothing but gruesome brutality and pure silence. Pamela Voorhees is the only character in the series to ever hear Jason say anything other than his iconic and ominous catchphrase, "Ki-ki-ki... Ma-ma-ma..."
After the majority of counselors were dead, he faced off with
Ginny Field. He chased her all the way back to his shack and just as he chopped down the door with his pickaxe, Ginny put on Pamela's sweater and impersonated her in order to manipulate Jason long enough for her to grab his machete and swing it into his shoulder, knocking him to the ground.
Enraged by this deception, Jason surprise attacked Ginny
through a window by wrapping his arms around her from behind. Ginny's boyfriend, Paul Holt, fends off Jason and saves her life.
At the time, it was unclear whether Paul survived this encounter
but as we discover later on, Paul sacrificed himself to Jason so that Ginny may live.
After killing Paul, Jason had a strange experience where he
miraculously shed all of the hair on his head and gained slightly more visibility in his right eye.
For most of Saturday, June 14th, 1984, Jason had no mask to
wear while he slaughtered random civilians, bikers and partying teenagers until after dusk when he took Shelly's hockey mask while slitting his throat.
Jason continued down his path of horrific slaughter which lead
him to Chris Higgins. He recognized Chris as the girl that he failed to kill a few years ago. Enraged by his failure to kill her the first time, he killed her boyfriend, Rick, with his bare hands then threw him through the window of Higgins Haven. He then confronted her, only to be hit in the head with a shovel and hung by a rope from the second story of the barn.
Jason survived being hung and lunged towards Chris with his
machete but she quickly thwarted his attack by swinging his ax into his forehead. He attempted to lunge at her once more but once again, Jason fell to the ground, appearing to be dead.
The next morning, on Sunday, June 15th, 1984, his body was
taken to the morgue. Upon arriving at the morgue, Jason awoke with full vision in his right eye. He then killed two coroners and began to walk back to the camp.
Along the way, he noticed a family of three, known as the Jarvis
family, who lived near the lake. Tracy Jarvis was the single mother of a teenage girl named Trish and a 12 year old boy named Tommy. As he was stalking them, a group of teenagers arrived at the house next door and began partying as the night went on.
Jason proceeded to kill all of the teenagers along with Tracy
Jarvis, the mother of Trish and Tommy. Jason saw Trish and Tommy as no serious threat until he confronted Trish as she swung a machete into his left hand. Jason continued to try and grab her but just as she swung the machete at him again, his mask flew across the room.
Horrified by Jason's deformed face, Trish was paralyzed in fear.
Right as Jason was about to lunge at her, Tommy ran down the stairs with a freshly shaved head, calling out Jason's name.
Jason stared at Tommy's bald head and was reminded of what
he once looked like as a child. As Jason continued to stare in awe at Tommy's appearance, Tommy grabbed the machete from Trish and whipped it into the left side of Jason's head. He then fell to the floor, seemingly dead but his hand was still twitching so Tommy repeatedly hacked into his back with the machete until he stopped moving.
For the next five years, Jason remained buried in the ground
while Tommy was institutionalized at multiple mental facilities until eventually ending up at Pinehurst Youth Development Center. Jason's spirit continued to haunt Tommy throughout this time. After Jason's three day killing spree, the town of Crystal Lake had its name changed to Forest Green.
On Wednesday, January 11th, 1989, a patient named Joey
Burns was killed by another patient named Vic. Vic was arrested and two paramedics retrieved Joey's body. One of these paramedics was none other than Joey's distant father, Roy Burns. Later that evening, Roy killed two random men in Forest Green after their car broke down.
The following night, a diner waitress and her boyfriend
were also killed by Roy. The Forest Green sheriff considered the fact that Jason Voorhees had risen from the grave and was responsible for these murders. He also saw Tommy as a suspicious party considering his connection to Jason and his violent tendencies.
The next morning, on Friday, January 13th, 1989, Jason's
spirit sensed Roy coming to Pinehurst so he possessed him in order to get to Tommy. While inside his body, Jason made Roy resistant to severe injury. However, he frequently left Roy's body to antagonize Tommy so Roy was fully conscious for many of the murders within his killing spree.
As the night went on, Jason and Roy worked together to
slaughter a large portion of doctors and patients at the hospital until they finally reached Tommy. He was attempting to escape the hospital with his 12 year old roommate, Reggie Winter and the head nurse, Pam Roberts. Reggie drove a tractor into Roy then led him into a barn. While entering the barn, Roy was attacked with a chainsaw by Pam. He then chased the three of them up the ladder to the top floor of the barn.
Reggie pushed Roy out the window but he grabbed Reggie's
arm in an attempt to take him down with him but Tommy swung Roy's machete into his arm, loosening his grip, causing him to fall to his death onto numerous tractor spikes. The spikes removed his mask, revealing his true identity.
Jason's spirit was forced out of his body and he returned to
haunting Tommy. He made Tommy have constant hallucinations where he was killing Pam while wearing Roy's mask. After a while they began to include Reggie, Trish and his mother as well as other friends and loved ones that he's known throughout his life.
By Friday, October 13th, 1989, Tommy was no longer a patient
at Pinehurst and ready to face Jason Voorhees for what he believed to be the last time. Tommy and his friend, Allen, went to Forest Green Cemetery, where Jason was buried. They dug up Jason's corpse in hopes of cremating him but Tommy lost control of his temper and began to repeatedly stab Jason's chest with a sharp metal post from the cemetery fence.
In the midst of Tommy stabbing Jason, the post was struck with
lightning, reanimating his lifeless body. After killing Tommy's friend, Allen Hawes, Jason left the cemetery for Camp Forest Green.
Along the way, Jason killed more civilians than he ever had in
one day as well as multiple police officers. Once he arrived at the camp, his killing spree was once again interrupted by Tommy Jarvis.
Tommy lured Jason to a boat on the lake and as soon as Jason
recognized him, he tried to kill him but Tommy chained him to a rock then pushed him and the rock into the lake.
However, Jason wasn't going down without a fight. He emerged
from the water, grabbing Tommy and snapping the boat in half while dragging him underwater.
Megan Garris ran into the water and started the boat. The
propeller from the boat hit the side of Jason's face, cracking the side of his mask and ripping into the flesh on his cheek. The pain caused Jason to lose his grip on Tommy as he sank to the bottom of Crystal Lake. Just as Jason began to realize his defeat, Megan performed CPR on Tommy, saving his life.
Fours years after Tommy chained Jason to the bottom of the
lake, 13 year-old Rennie Wickham visited Crystal Lake and nearly drowned when her uncle pushed her into the lake in an attempt to teach her how to swim. While she was underwater, she was attacked by Jason while he was still chained up.
After barely escaping Jason's grasp, she was left haunted by her
encounter with him, becoming hydrophobic. Another four years passed and Jason Voorhees was about to be released from his watery grave.
On Friday, June 13th, 1997, for the first time in 7 years, Tina
Shepard returned to Crystal Lake with her mother, Amanda and her therapist, Dr. Crews. Tina became acquainted with the teenagers staying at the house next door while they prepared a surprise birthday party for Michael, one of their friends.
That night, Tina tried to resurrect her father, John, with her
powers but accidentally freed the dormant Jason Voorhees. Tina passed out and was spared by Jason but he killed Michael, his girlfriend and another camping couple.
The next day, he slaughtered even more of her friends that
were staying at the party cottage. He also killed her mother, Amanda and Dr. Crews. A distraught Tina uses her telekinesis to fight Jason, destroying the two houses while doing so.
After having a house fall on his head and being set on fire, Jason
was chained back up to bottom the lake by Tina's father's reanimated corpse. After her father dragged him into the lake, he collapsed the dock on top of him.
One year later, the night before the senior class of Lakeview
High School was scheduled to depart for New York City; two of the students, Jim Miller and Suzi Donaldson, arrived at Crystal Lake. The anchor of their boat got caught on an underwater power line that electrified Jason Voorhees back to life.
He killed the two students and sailed the boat to the harbor. The
next day, Jason reached the cruise ship, SS Lazarus, just before it departed for New York. One of the passengers, 18 year-old Rennie Wickham, was plagued by visions of Jason as a child. Jason killed most of the students and some crew members as well.
Rennie, some of her classmates, her teacher, her uncle and her dog managed to flee the ship but the rest of the students drowned as the ship sank. Jason tracked Rennie and Sean after he finished off the other survivors of the shipwreck. He continued to pursue the couple through Manhattan and into the New York City sewer system where Rennie threw a vat of toxic waste at Jason's face. Rennie and Sean just barely escaped Jason’s grasp as the sewers began to flood and Jason was reminded of his childhood drowning causing him to puke water then got washed away by a flood of wastewater.
Over the next five years, Jason's body fully regenerated and he
found his way back to Forest Green. Upon regenerating, some of his thin hair had regrown and even his left eye had grown back in but one of Jason's recent victims stabbed out his right eye with a knife.
After a few months back in Forest Green, a woman that Jason
would attempt to make into his next victim would turn out to be an FBI agent who set an elaborate trap for his return on Thursday, June 12th, 2003. He was loaded with dozens of bullets then shot with a rocket launcher which blew his body into pieces.
After being brought to the morgue, Jason's spirit manipulated
the coroner into consuming Jason's massive heart causing the coroner to be possessed by Jason. Through the coroner's body, Jason killed the assistant coroner and two FBI agents before leaving for Crystal Lake in search of a Voorhees family member through whom he could be reborn by transferring his heart into them.
After his escape from the morgue, Jason killed some young
adults that were fooling around at the camp. He then possessed one of the young adults after killing his girlfriend.
He then went to the apartment of his half-sister Diana Voorhees
Kimble and killed her but was prevented from possessing her body and being reborn by Steven Freeman, his son-in-law. With very little options, he transferred his soul into a news reporter instead.
The next day, Friday, June 13, 2003, still in the reporter's body,
Jason went after his niece, Jessica Kimble and her infant daughter Stephanie, in another attempt to be reborn.
Along the way, he killed police officers, the family owning the
local diner, a patron in the diner and a waitress. Jason's soul was then transferred into a man named Randy, who got his throat cut open by Steven.
Jason's heart crawled out of Randy and into Diana's dead body
and he was reborn. After killing Creighton Duke, Jason was stabbed in the heart with a mystical dagger by Jessica. Instantly, dozens of trapped souls began to fly out of Jason's chest as he was dragged into Hell by demons.
All that remained was his hockey mask but Freddy Krueger
reached his bladed fingers through the dirt and pulled his mask into Hell. While in Hell, Jason's right eye grew back with full vision.
Later that year, on Sunday, September 14, 2003, Freddy
impersonated Jason's mother in order to manipulate him into killing for him. He then proceeded to resurrect him and sent him on his way to Springwood.
As Jason arrived in Springwood, he killed two boys and one of
the boys' fathers. With the fear caused by these three deaths, Freddy had enough power to return. Lori Campbell and her friends began to understand what was going on and their newfound knowledge of Freddy made them vulnerable. At a rave that night, Freddy entered the dreams of one of Lori's friends but was enraged when Jason stole his next victim, killing her in the real world before Freddy could kill
her in her dream.
Shortly after, Jason went on a rampage, killing many more
ravers. The survivors of the rave included Lori and her boyfriend, Will. The rave's survivors decided to go to Westin Hills and get some Hypnocil dream suppressant to be safe from Freddy. Jason followed them there and killed two of them and a security guard before Freddy brought him into the dream world, where Jason discovered that he had been fooled. He attempted to attack him but Freddy battered him around then transformed him into a child.
Lori, Will, Kia and Linderman began to transport Jason's
comatose body to Forest Green, as Freddy uncovered Jason's deeply suppressed hydrophobia. Although Jason had been in and out of the water many times over the years, he has PTSD(Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) from drowning as a little boy which instilled a suppressed fear of water.
After Lori, Will, Kia and Linderman witness Jason gargling water
and choking, Kia performed mouth to mouth on him then Lori purposely fell asleep and entered Jason's dream, which involved his childhood drowning. Lori managed to wake Jason up and drag Freddy into the real world.
After killing Linderman and Kia, Jason turned his attention to
Freddy and an epic battle began. Freddy had stabbed both of Jason's eyes, cut off four of his fingers on his right hand, launched propane tanks into his chest and inflicted numerous lacerations to the front and back of his torso.
Jason countered Freddy's attacks with multiple machete slashes
to the chest and a devastating punch from Jason's giant fist, shattering Freddy's ribs and launching him 50 feet in the air. Once the entire camp was on fire, Jason pushed Freddy backwards towards the dock, slashing his chest with his machete left and right. Eventually Freddy got a hold of Jason's machete and just as Jason ripped off Freddy's right arm, Freddy stabbed Jason in the chest with his own machete.
Jason fell backwards into the lake as Freddy laughed in victory
but as Freddy turned around he was surprised by Lori taking Jason's machete and decapitating him just as Jason miraculously leaped out of the water and stabbed Freddy's detached arm through his chest. Freddy's head flew through the air and into the lake then his body followed shortly after. Lori tossed Jason's machete into the lake and left with Will.
The next morning, Jason emerged from the lake, clutching
Freddy's living head. Over the next 5 years, the two teamed up as Jason used Freddy's head to travel into the dream world to kill people as well as torment Tommy Jarvis, Jason's greatest enemy.
After being defeated by Jason, the dream world was no longer
Freddy's domain. He was humiliated that he was nothing more than just a head trapped in Jason's subconscious while Jason was free to travel from the dream world and back to his beloved Camp Crystal Lake.
Whenever Jason came back to Crystal Lake, he took a form
similar to when he first grew into an adult. He had lost most of his vision in his right eye and grew thin scraggly hair. For some reason, he wasn't able to leave Hell with his hockey mask but was unable to remove it in Hell.
From all the years that Jason spent underwater, in the

Manhattan sewers and in Hell, he hadn't returned to his shack since 1984. When he went to check on it, he discovered that it was destroyed so he built a new shack with a new shrine for his mother. In the rubble of his old shack, he found his old burlap sack mask and fixed it with a few minor alterations.
After a while, some teenagers came by the camp, smoking
marijuana around a campfire so he slashed them and their plastic baggy fell on the ground. Jason examined the baggy and noticed an excessive amount of seeds so he planted the seeds as bait for anyone that may come across the camp.
On May 2, 2008, a small group of young adults entered the
Camp Crystal Lake area looking for the rumored marijuana site in the woods. Jason attacked the intruders and killed all of them except Whitney Miller, whom he dragged into his underground tunnels running beneath the campgrounds. The reason Jason kidnapped Whitney and didn't kill her was because she bore a striking resemblance to his mother, Pamela and he couldn't bear to hurt her.
A few weeks later, her mother died then her brother, Clay,
began searching for her. On Friday, June 13, 2008, Clay arrived in Crystal Lake looking for his missing sister. Meanwhile, another group of teens arrived at their friend's family cabin on the lake shore.
Jason killed a local man who ripped his mask off. Luckily,
within the man's junk piles, Jason spotted a hockey mask with a very similar appearance to his previous hockey mask.
Jason donned the hockey mask then went on to murder
most of the partying teens and a police officer as Clay and one of the teens, Jenna, hunted for Clay's sister, Whitney. Once Whitney was rescued, Jenna was killed as the Miller siblings fled from Jason.
Whitney stabbed Jason in the chest with his machete as Clay
put a chain around his neck then attached it to a wood chipper that shredded the back of Jason's head.
The next morning, Clay and Whitney dumped Jason's corpse,
his mask, his machete and a locket that Whitney found in Jason's shack. Momentarily after, Jason burst through from under the dock grabbing Whitney from behind as Clay screamed in horror. Jason then killed Whitney as well as Clay soon after.
After five years in and out of Hell together, Freddy grew tired of
being a prisoner in Jason's head so in December of 2008, he concocted a gruesomely sinister plan.
Will and Lori had just returned to Camp Crystal Lake for
closure and to confirm that Jason and Freddy are really dead. Jason almost immediately gutted Will and hung him on a roof. He then chased Lori who attempted to defend herself with a chainsaw but was eventually overpowered and killed by Jason, who then disposed of the couple's corpses in the woods.
Lurking through Jason's thoughts, Freddy learned of a demonic
book called the Necronomicon Ex-Mortis, which could be used to bring him back to life and that it was hidden in the Voorhees Home.
Freddy, once again, used Pamela's image to manipulate Jason into believing that the only way to get rid of Freddy is with the Necronomicon and that it will also turn Jason back into the young boy he once was.
Jason murders three girls on his way to retrieve the book. Ash
Williams, who came into town to help with a local store called S-Mart, has taken interest in these murders.
Ash first believed Jason to be a Deadite, an undead demonic
entity created by the Necronomicon. Ash, having dealt with Deadites before, tried to warn the teenage employees at S-Mart but no one believed him except for a girl named Caroline, who was aware of Jason's existence.
In another trance, Freddy appeared as Elias Voorhees to remind
him of his duty to find the book. Jason then butchered numerous Christmas carolers then killed a group of teenagers camping out in the Voorhees home.
Ash, who was following the partying teenagers, found the
Necronomicon before Jason and escaped with one of the teenagers. Once they began driving away, Jason destroyed the car but the two managed to escape his attack. Regardless, Jason continued to stalk them on their way to the S-Mart.
Jason massacred several employees along with the girl that
escaped with Ash and several customers as well. Ash and the survivors took refuge in Caroline's house, where they realized that because of Jason's limited intelligence, he must've been a pawn.
Freddy then materialized himself outside the dream world and ordered Jason to kill Ash and leave the others for later while he read the Necronomicon. Three boys lured Jason into a trap at the Voorhees home. Jason realized the trick then confronted Freddy, interrupting his fight with Ash.
However, at that point, Freddy had already mastered the
Necronomicon enough to summon Jason's many victims as Deadites. He then ordered them to kill him but Jason slaughtered his vengeful victims for the second time over. During the struggle, Freddy dropped the book and Ash stole it then ran into the woods.
Freddy then transformed the camp grounds into Elm Street and
summoned the spirits of his own victims to kill Ash. Jason managed to slash his way into Freddy's warped reality and began fighting him. Ash and Caroline attempted to escape with the book but Jason beat them to it.
During the intense battle, the Voorhees House was destroyed
and Ash fell unconscious. Freddy and Jason were trapped in the rubble. Ash regained consciousness as Freddy and Jason escaped the rubble.
Ash, Freddy and Jason began to battle to the death. Ash was
brutally beaten during the fight until Caroline began to read the Necronomicon and opened a portal that pulled Freddy inside. Jason was too strong to be pulled in but the vortex caused Ash's car to knock Jason into the frozen lake.
In July, 2009, Government agents led by Detective Gordan
Russel, conducted a search across the campgrounds for the Necronomicon. The book was found and two other agents found Jason, who awakened and killed both of them. Once again impersonating Pamela, Freddy urged Jason to hunt down Ash.
After Jason killed Ash's girlfriend, Caroline, he
followed him to Baltimore, Maryland. While Ash was riding a train, Jason stowed away in the train's boxcar.
Many of Freddy and Jason's survivors met each other in a
meeting organized by Dr. Maggie Burroughs and Dr. Neil Gordan. Some members of the meeting included Stephine Kimble, her father Steven, Alice Johnson with her son Jacob, Tina Shepard, and Rennie Wickham.
Ash met with them and they began to discuss their goals but
were interrupted by Jason, who killed Steven. While Ash prepared to fight Jason by himself, Tommy Jarvis drove a Hummer through the house and directly into Jason. The survivors then fled to come up with a plan to stop Freddy and Jason.
As Jason got back up, government agents opened fire and
captured him. Jason was put in a holding cell full of dead people. He was visited by Freddy in a dream where he told him about his plan to massacre the world. After hearing that his old enemies will be coming for them, Jason agreed to become the leader of his Deadite army.
Freddy decided to resurrect Jason with the Necronomicon. The
result restored Jason's hands, flesh, and gave him a full head of long hair. Freddy also armed him with two machetes.
Later on, while the survivors battled Freddy and Jason, the
Deadites descended upon Washington DC. While Jason and his demonic army terrorized the streets, Jason was confronted by Tommy.
Just as the fight was provoked, a winged Deadite dragged
Tommy to meet Freddy, who was abducting Jacob at the White House. Tommy and Jacob were held hostage by Freddy, Jason and a girl named Maggie, who was later revealed as Freddy's daughter, Kathryn, who eventually betrayed both Jason and her father.
Ash, Alice, Tina and Stephanie were onto them at this point.
However, Stephanie separated from the group then encountered Freddy who told her that it was her destiny to end up like Jason considering their murderous family blood. Stephanie donned a hockey mask then prepared herself to kill Jason and take his place.
At the White House, a brief fight between Jason and Kathryn
began. Tina killed Kathryn and Alice allowed Freddy to kill her, passing her powers onto Jacob, who took this as a chance to summon the spirits of Amanda Kruger and the dream warriors. All of the Deadites were destroyed but Freddy severely wounded Jacob.
Ash began to fight Freddy while Stephanie and Tommy faced
Jason. Tommy taunted Jason about not being able to kill him. During this encounter, Jason's mask was cut off. This revealed that the effect of Jason's rebirth gave him a completely normal face free of deformities.
Stephanie impaled Jason with a machete then Tommy
decapitated him with a shard of glass. Freddy then absorbed Jason's soul at full peak but Neil and the spirit of Nancy Thompson recited the chant to open the portal to the Deadite dimension and Freddy was stripped of his powers and shot into the portal by Ash, freeing all the souls that were trapped inside of Freddy, including Jason.
After the survivors of the battle left, Pamela came to Jason and
told him that he will never die then resurrected him and sent him back to Camp Crystal Lake.
A few months later, Jason was captured by the Camp Crystal Lake Research Facility and convicted of over two hundred murders. After all of their attempts to execute him failed, he was sedated, placed under heavy guard and shackled in the facility while the researchers tried to decide what to do with him.
After a year of sedation, a decision was finally made on Friday,
August 13, 2010. It was decided that Jason Voorhees would be cryogenically frozen and transported to another facility for further examination. Due to a guard throwing a blanket over him, Jason's IV was knocked loose which caused him to wake and allowed him to escape and kill the doctor and the soldiers that were assigned to transport him.
While chasing the head researcher, Rowan LaFontaine, through
the facility, Jason was knocked into the cryogenic chamber by the scientist, who was frozen along with Jason as he punctured the chamber's door while stabbing her, causing the facility to lock down. Jason and Rowan both remained frozen for exactly 445 years.
On Friday, August 13, 2455, a class from the newfound home
planet known as Earth II, went on a field trip to the original Earth, which had become uninhabitable centuries prior.
After discovering the remains of the Camp Crystal Lake Research
Facility, the students found Jason Voorhees and Rowan LaFontaine and brought them aboard their spaceship, The Grendel, where Rowan woke with the class while Jason woke on his own.
After killing several students, crew members and hired security,
Jason had his right arm, left leg and half of his torso blown off by an android called Kay-Em 14. Jason's dismembered body dragged itself across the floor to The Grendel's healing chamber that contained self-healing nanobots. The chamber gave him a metallic exoskeleton, a metal hockey mask and increased strength, stamina and durability.
Soon after, The Grendel accidentally crashed into the Solaris
space station and began to fall apart. Rowan, Tsunaron and

Kay-Em reached a rescue vessel while Sergeant Brodski stayed behind, sacrificing himself to stop Jason from attacking them.
A power armor-wearing Brodski tackled Jason outside the
rescue vessel which sent the two of them hurtling through Earth II's atmosphere. Brodski and Jason were burned up while entering the atmosphere and Jason's charred metal mask landed in a lake. Jason awoke in Hell, where Freddy Krueger awaited his arrival. After more than 445 years, the two notorious murderers teamed up once again, terrorizing and slaughtering the citizens of Earth II in their nightmares for the rest of eternity.



Date of Birth: June 13, 1946

Age: 74 (Immortal)

Height: 7' 0" (2.1336 meters)

Weight: 340 lb. (154.221 kg)

IQ: 69

Parents: Pamela Voorhees and Elias Voorhees

Other Family: Diane Kimble (Half Sister), Stephanie Kimble (Niece) and Jessica Kimble (Great Niece)

First Appearance: Friday the 13th (1980)

Creators: Victor Miller, Sean S. Cunningham,

Tom Savini, and Ron Kurz














[Friday the 13th (1980) and Freddy Vs. Jason]


(Freddy Vs Jason)


Fire Poker
Metal Fence Post
Bow and Arrow
Butcher Knife
Garden Shears
Freddy's Right Arm
Circular Saw Hedge Trimmer
Electric Guitar
Sleeping Bag
Leather Strap








Biography And Information Written By Our Administrator, Michael Rinaldi. Click here for his Fandom version.




























Warrington Gillette

Timothy Burr Mirkovich

Spencer Stump

Caleb Guss


Friday the 13th Part X:

To Hell and Back


Friday the 13th:

Cold Heart of Crystal Lake



A Friday the 13th Tale


Friday the 13th:

The Storm


The Man in the Lake

Friday the 13th:



Friday the 13th:

No Man's Land


(Born On A Friday)*


Friday the 13th:



Friday the 13th:

A New Wake

Friday the 13th:


Freddy Vs. Jason Vs. Ash*

Friday the 13th:

The Curse of Jason

Friday the 13th:

The Legacy Begins

Camp Crystal Lake

Friday the 13th:

Fan Film

(RJL Productions)

Friday the 13th FAN FILM

(Bill Robertson)


Friday the 13th:

The NES Video Game Fan Film

Friday the 13th:

Return to Crystal Lake

The Hunt for Jason


Chapter 1

Friday the 13th:


Never Hike Alone

Here Comes The Night

Friday the 13th:

A New Beginning II

The Cabin He Calls Home:

A Friday the 13th Fan Film

Trail of Death:

A Friday the 13th Fan Film


Chapter 2

Pennywise VS Jason Voorhees



Friday the 13th:

Jason's Anger**


Evil Emerges

Friday the 13th:

Return to Crystal Lake

Just Another Friday

Friday the 13th:


Here Comes The Night:

A Friday the 13th Fan Film


Jason's Revenge

Friday the 13th:

A New Beginning II

Chapter II

Jason Vs Pennywise

Winter Blood


Camp Forest Green

Friday the 13th:


(Edited Version)


Thank God It's Friday

Never Hike in the Snow

*Some Fan Films have their own link attached to their title

**Some Fan Films require YouTube Captions Auto-Translate

*Some Fan Films have their own link attached to their title