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What is your favorite Friday The 13th movie?

What is your least favorite Friday The 13th movie?

What is your favorite style of Jason? 

Who is your favorite Jason actor?

Who is your favorite survivor?

Who is your favorite Tommy Jarvis actor?

What is your favorite weapon for Jason?

What do you think of Unofficial Friday The 13th?

If you marked "Could Use Improvement" above, please take a moment to make some suggestions that you believe will improve this site. We appreciate it and will take all suggestions into serious consideration because our fans and their opinions matter to us.

Survey Shutdown For Maintainence

Our survey will be temporarily shutdown to resolve an issue where our entries were not being submitted properly. We are trying our best to fix this issue right now but in the meantime, if you wish to submit a survey, you may copy and paste the text at the bottom of this page then fill in your answers. Once you have finished, you can send the questions with your answers to either our Jason Voorhees Facebook page through Messenger or post them as a comment in our survey guestbook for all of our users to see when they visit this page.

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